Welcome to Loyola Campus Sri Lanka

Professional Certificate Courses

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BA Sustainability

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Diploma Programmes

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GEL Programmes

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The campus has initiated along with its preferred partner, JWL, a multi-platform online learning environment for learners of English and other professional certificate courses. Students log in to complete a wide variety of online activities especially for English, including reading, grammar, and vocabulary and listening practice.

Mobile learning, also known as m-learning, is a new way to access learning content using mobiles. Mobile learning supports, with the help of mobile devices, continuous access to the learning process. This can be done using devices like your phone, laptop or tablet. You can learn wherever and whenever you want! With the advent of mobile learning, educational systems are changing.

The vision of the campus comes from the statement from the Ignatian Pedagogy document: “Jesuit schools should be places where people are believed in, honoured and cared for; where natural talents and creative abilities are recognized and celebrated; where individual contributions and accomplishments are appreciated; where everyone is treated fairly and justly; where sacrifice on behalf of the economically poor, the socially deprived, and the educationally disadvantaged is commonplace; where each of us finds the challenge, encouragement and support we need to reach our fullest individual potential for excellence; where we help one another and work together with enthusiasm and generosity, attempting to model concretely in word and action the ideals we uphold.” (Ignatian Pedagogy n.37)

In 2019, Fr. General Arturo Sosa, SJ, promulgated a set of “Universal Apostolic Preferences” to guide and focus the work of the Society of Jesus. These Preferences were arrived at through a process of discernment that involved all levels of the Jesuits as well as their mission partners.

As a Jesuit institution, Loyola Campus, will refer to the Universal Apostolic Preferences as inspiration and motivation for the work that we do across campus. The country office will play an integral role in implementing the Preferences in its programming and engagement with all the center.


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BA Sustainability

Hereby, you are joyously informed that Loyola Campus now offers Bachelors in Sustainable Development with the collaboration of Jesuit Worldwide Learning and well renowned universities like Regis University of the USA and St. Xavier University of India. As the admission for January 2023 start classes for CLS +BA SD and direct BA SD begin, the application form is available through http://ba.jwl.org/.

Course commences in January 2023. – APPLY

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Professional Certificate Courses

Peace Leader: Certified by Hekima University College (Kenya) is an applied, 6-month blended learning introduction to the role and practices of a peace leader.

Learning Facilitator : Certified by the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, was developed in response to the overwhelming desire and need for learning and education.

Course commences in August 2020. – APPLY

To Be The Best

for the greater glory of the divine

Online Admission GEL Admission